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Custom Koa Slab Lamp with Tasmanian Blackwood

This little guy was a custom order based on our original Koa Slab Lamp design.  Its biggest challenge was the design limitations dictated by the small space in which the lamp would be living.  As with the original, we kept the design simple and streamlined, in essence cleaning up the original piece of wood and adding a collar at the top and two feet at the bottom, all of Tasmanian Blackwood.  But not wanting anything to be too easy, we added additional challenges of enhancing the natural shape of the slab—flaring it in and out various points to compliment original curves.  We also used a plunge router to route away material from the collar and feet so that the slab would ‘nest’ into those pieces rather than simply butting up against them.  This also allowed us to stay within the mandatory height restrictions.  We needed even more help with this goal, though, so we carved in a small recess to allow the cord extra space at the bottom—one that mimicked the natural curve of the slab and enhanced it while giving the piece a bit more apparent height while not making it taller.  


In the end, this little guy measures only 6 1/2” tall x 7 1/2” wide x 3” deep and is finished with several coats of water based polyurethane in a semi gloss finish.

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